
No Nukes! Women’s Forum 2020 - online 8 agosto

NO NUKES! WOMEN'S FORUM 2020. 8 agosto 2020 dalle ore 06:30 (ora europea)

In questo 75° anniversario del bombardamento atomico di Hiroshima e Nagasaki, il No Nukes! Women's Forum 2020 che si tiene annualmente in Giappone sarà on-line per rispettare le norme anti-COVID19.

Siamo tutte invitate ad unirci al Forum per condividere pensieri e visioni per creare il futuro che vogliamo, eliminando le armi nucleari, fermando il cambiamento climatico, conquistando l'uguaglianza e la non discriminazione di genere, spostando le risorse dal militare alla vita e al vivere

Per partecipare al Forum collegarsi alla pagina you tube:  https://youtu.be/j5bLOgsHqYY.


Aug.8 (Sat)  1:30 -2:30pm JST /  12:30 -1:30pm CTT /  0:30 -01:30am EDT /  6:30 -7:30am CET In this 75th year of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic with unprecedented impacts on humanity, we have decided to hold the No Nukes! Women’s Forum 2020 online.

 We invite sisters in Japan and all around the globe to join the forum to share views and visions for creating the future we want, by eliminating nuclear weapons, stopping climate change, achieving gender equality and non-discrimination, and redirecting money from the military to life and living.

 Program: - Testimonies of the Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Sharing Actions and Campaigns Solidarity messages from abroad – US, Korea, the Philippines, Italy and the Netherland Women in Japan from different sections – medical services, childcare, education, family business, Okinawa, Fukushima, trade union and more - Performance by Chorus Groups of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Sponsored by the No Nukes! Women’s Forum 2020 Organizing Committee Contact: New Japan Women’s Association


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